Trust Transfer Client to Client

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The Trust Transfer Client to Client routine allows the user to transfer Trust money from one Client/Matter to another. The Trust amounts, either retainer or allocated, cannot be more than the amount of Trust money belonging to the Client from which the money is being transferred.

When the Trust Transfer Client to Client routine is accessed from the eQuinox main menu, the screen shown below will be displayed. 
Field Definition

Trust Transfers

The first two fields on this screen display the Journal Type (TTC) and the Journal Number (56231).

The date on which the Trust Transfers are being entered into the system. The default is the current Date, but this may be changed by making a selection from the Calendar provided.

Acct Period
The Month (in number format) and Year of the Firm's current Accounting Period. This field automatically defaults to the current Accounting Period. Note: Depending on the Firm's preferences (as indicated in the Firm Parameters routine), the user may be alerted with a message when posting the Trust Transfer, and asked to verify the Accounting Period; this is used to ensure that all transactions occur within the correct Accounting Period

Bank Name, Bank
The name and number of the General Ledger Account that will be affected by the Trust Transfer. A selection may be made from the List of Values provided.

Tran Ref  ID
The Transaction Reference Identification number. This number is automatically assigned by E-Quinox, and is used to identify the Trust transaction.

The unique identifier of the Client from which Trust money is being transferred. A selection may be made form the Look-Up form provided. In the Look-Up form all Clients and all Matters for each Client will be displayed. A selection must be based on both the Client and the Matter.

The unique identifier of the Matter from which Trust money is being transferred. This is automatically displayed, based on the selection made in the previous field. If the Look-Up form is accessed from this field, it will display all Matters associated with the Client displayed in the Client field.

The subtype of the Trust money that is being transferred from the current Client. Trust subtypes are either A (Allocated) or R (Retainer).

The amount of Trust money that is being transferred. The transfer amount cannot be more than the actual amount of Trust money that the Client has of the specified Trust type.

The unique identifier of the Client to which Trust money is being transferred. A selection may be made form the Look-Up form provided. In the Look-Up form all Clients and all Matters for each Client will be displayed. A selection must be based on both the Client and the Matter.

The unique identifier of the Matter to which Trust money is being transferred. This is automatically displayed, based on the selection made in the previous field. If the Look-Up form is accessed from this field, it will display all Matters associated with the Client displayed in the Client field.

Transferring Trust from one client to another.

The Trust subtype assigned to the transferred Trust money. For example, if this field displays "A", then the transferred money is added to the receiving Client's Allocated trust funds. If this field displays "R", then the transferred money is added to the receiving Client's Retainer trust funds.

Transfer Date
The date on which the Trust transfer occurs. This field defaults to the current date but this may be changed by making a selection from the Calendar provided.

A description of the Trust transfer, or any other important information about the transaction that the user may wish to record.

From Client
This section of the form displays information specific to the Client from which Trust money is being transferred.

Transferring Trust from one client to another.

Client, Matter
The names of the Client and the Matter from which Trust money is being transferred. These names are displayed automatically, based on the selections made in the top section of the form.

Current Funds
The Client's current balance of Allocated Trust Funds, Retainer Trust Funds, and their Total Amount of Trust Funds (i.e. Allocated plus Retainer). The amount being transferred cannot be greater than the Client balance of that Trust subtype. For example, if the Client is transferring $100.00 in Allocated funds, they must have a balance of at least $100.00 in Allocated funds.

Total Transfer
The amount of Allocated Trust Funds being transferred, the amount of Retainer Trust Funds being transferred, and the Total Amount of Trust Funds (i.e. Allocated amount plus Retainer amount) being transferred.

New Balances
The Client's new Allocated, Retainer, and Total Amount Trust Funds balances (i.e. the Current Funds balances minus the Total Transfer balances).

To Client
This section of the form displays information specific to the Client who is receiving the Trust transfer.
Client, Matter
The names of the Client and the Matter to which the Trust money is being transferred. These names are displayed automatically, based on the selections made in the top section of the form.

Current Funds
The Client's current balance of Allocated Trust Funds, Retainer Trust Funds, and their Total Amount of Trust Funds (i.e. Allocated plus Retainer).

Transferring Trust from one client to another.

Total Receive
The amount of Allocated Trust funds, the amount of Retainer Trust funds, and the Total Amount of Trust Funds (i.e. Allocated amount plus Retainer amount) that the Client is receiving in the Trust transfer.

New Balances
The Client's new Allocated, Retainer, and Total Amount Trust Funds balances (i.e. the Current Funds balances plus the Total Receive balances).

To complete the Trust Transfer process, the user must click the Save button on the menu bar at the top of the form.

A Successful Transaction

Once the user has clicked the Save button, and the Trust Transfer has successfully been completed, the message seen on the left will be displayed to the user.

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