Maintain Trust Dates on Hold

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The Maintain Trust Dates on Hold routine allows the user to view information about Trust Money that is currently being held. When a Client is issued a Trust Receipt for money given to the Firm in Trust, the user has the option to specify the number of days the Trust Deposit will be held before it is released. The records displayed in this routine are those Trust Deposits that were placed on hold. The user also has the option in this routine to change the Hold Date for a given Trust Deposit (i.e. If the Trust Deposit has already cleared the Bank, or if the money is needed ASAP, the record can be taken off of hold by changing the Hold Date).

When the Maintain Trust Dates on Hold routine is accessed from the eQuinox main menu, the screen shown below will be displayed.
Field Definition

Entering Query Criteria
The screen section seen below allows the user to enter criteria to base their query on (i.e. the parameters by which the results will be limited). For example, to view records for a specific Client, the user can select that Client and then execute their query; the query results will then only include information pertaining to the selected Client.

Show hold dates greater than
To limit the query results to those records within a specific range of dates, the user must select a date from the Calendar provided in this field (i.e. the range of dates will start with the date selected and end with the current date). This field defaults to the current system date.

To limit the query results to records associated with a specific Client, the user must select a Client from the Look-Up form provided in this field. The Client's number and name will be displayed once a selection has been made.

To limit the query results to records associated with a specific Matter, the user must make a selection from the Look-Up form provided in this field. The Matter number and name will be displayed once a selection has been made.

To limit the query results to those records associated with a specific General Ledger Account, the user must make a selection from the List of Values provided in this field. The General Ledger Bank Account number and name will be displayed once a selection has been made.

Receipt No
To limit the query results to those records associated with a specific Trust Receipt number, the user must make a selection from the List of Values provided in this field.

Query Results
Based on the selections made in the first section of the form, the query results are displayed in the section seen below. The only information that may be edited in this section is the Hold Date.

The Client Name, Matter Name, and Bank Account Name associated with the record currently selected in the bottom section of the screen. These fields will change automatically as the user selects different records. The corresponding unique identifiers are displayed below.

Client No, Matter No
The Client and Matter that the current record is associated with (i.e. The Client has Trust money on hold for the current Matter). The corresponding Client Name and Matter Name are displayed above.

Tran Date
The transaction date (i.e. the date on which the Trust deposit/payment was received from the Client).

Bank Account
The number of  the Bank Account into which the Trust money was deposited.  The corresponding
Bank Account Name is displayed above.

The type of Trust deposit/payment (i.e. Allocated or Retainer).

The amount of Trust money on hold for the current record.

Hold Date
The date until which the Trust deposit/payment will remain on hold. To change this date, the user may make a selection from the Calendar provided.

Any information the user may wish to enter regarding the current Matter's Trust money.

Once the user has finished maintaining the Hold Dates, they must click the Save button or press F10 to commit the new information.

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