Accounts Receivable Transfers

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The AR Transfers routine allows the user to select outstanding Bills and transfer the amount to another Client, Matter and/or Bill Entity. From this routine, the user can access the AR Redistribution routine to redistribute the compensation for a specific Bill(s).

When the AR Transfers routine is accessed from the eQuinox main menu, the screen shown below will be displayed.
Field Definition

The first two fields on this form display the Journal Type (ART) and Journal Number.

The date on which the AR Transfers are being entered into the system. The default is the current Date, but this may be changed by making a selection from the Calendar provided or by manually entering a different date in the proper formats.

Acct Period
The Month (in number format) and Year of the Firm's current Accounting Period. This field automatically defaults to the current Accounting Period. Note: Depending on the Firm's preferences (as indicated in the Firm Parameters routine), the user may be alerted with a message when posting the AR Transfers, and asked to verify the Accounting Period; this is used to ensure that all transactions occur within the correct Accounting Period.

AR Transfer To
This section of the screen allows the user to select the Client, Matter, and/or Bill Entity to which outstanding Bills are being transferred to.

The unique identifier and name of the Client to whom outstanding Bills are being transferred. The user may either enter the Matter number in the next field (after which, the associated Client information will automatically be displayed), or make a selection from the Look-Up form provided.

The unique identifier and name of the Matter to which outstanding Bills are being transferred. The user may either enter the Matter number or make a selection from the Look-Up form provided.

Bill Entity
The unique identifier and name of the Bill Entity to whom outstanding Bills are being transferred. The user may either enter the Bill Entity number or make a selection from the List of Values provided.

Select Bills
To view all outstanding Bills that are available for transfer, the user must click this button. The user will then be presented with the Bill Selection View screen from which the user must select the Bills to be transferred. Once the user returns to the main screen, details for the selected Bills will be displayed in the AR Transfer Detail section.

The Bill Selection View Screen
From the Bills displayed here, the user must select those that will be transferred to another Bill Entity or Matter. The information displayed in this section cannot be edited by the user.

In the screen section shown immediately above, the Client Name, Matter Name, and Bill Entity Name associated with the current Bill are displayed. The corresponding unique identifiers are displayed in the screen section seen below.

To transfer the current Bill, the user must 'check' this field.

Bill ID
The ID assigned to the current Bill, used to track and identify the Bill in the system.

Bill No, Sub
The Bill and Sub-Bill numbers for the current record.

Bill Date
The date of the current Bill, as appears on the Bill itself.

Client, Matter
The unique identifiers of the Client and Matter associated with the current Bill. The corresponding Client Name and Matter Name are displayed above in the Client Name and Matter Name fields.

Bill Entity
The unique identifier of the Bill Entity associated with the current Bill. The corresponding Bill Entity Name is displayed above in the Bill Entity Name field.

Fees, Disb, Tax, Interest
The total dollar amount of outstanding Fees, Disbursements, Tax, and Interest on the current Bill.

Total Owing
The total dollar amount that is outstanding on the current Bill (i.e. the sum of the outstanding Fees, Disbursements, Tax, and Interest).

Once the user has selected the Bills that are to be transferred to a different Client, Matter, and/or Bill Entity, the user must return to the main screen. Details for the selected Bills will be displayed in the AR Transfer Detail section of the screen.
Returning to the Main Screen - AR Transfer Detail
In this section, information about each Bill that has been selected for transfer is displayed.

Client Name
The name of the Client associated with the current Bill. The corresponding unique identifier is displayed in the Client field.

Matter Name
The name of the Matter associated with the current Bill. The corresponding unique identifier is displayed in the Matter field.

Bill No, Sub No
The Bill and Sub-Bill numbers for the current record.

Client, Matter
The unique identifiers of the Client and Matter associated with the current Bill. The corresponding Client Name and Matter Name are displayed in the Client Name and Matter Name fields.

Bill Entity
The unique identifier and name of the Bill Entity associated with the current Bill.

The first cell in the Fees column represents the total amount of Fees transferred (i.e. the sum of Fees transferred from all selected Bills). The remainder of the Fees column displays the Fees amount transferred from each individual Bill.

The first cell in the Disb column represents the total amount of Disbursements transferred (i.e. the sum of Disbursements transferred from all selected Bills). The remainder of the Disb column displays the Disbursement amount transferred from each individual Bill.

The first cell in the Tax column represents the total amount of Tax transferred (i.e. the sum of Tax transferred from all selected Bills). The remainder of the Tax column displays the Tax amount transferred from each individual Bill.

The first cell in the Interest column represents the total amount of Interest transferred (i.e. the sum of Interest transferred from all selected Bills). The remainder of the Interest column displays the Interest amount transferred from each individual Bill.

Total Owing
The first cell in the Total Owing column represents the total amount owing for all Bills selected for transfer. The remainder of the Total Owing column displays the total dollar amount that is outstanding on the current Bill (i.e. the sum of the outstanding Fees, Disbursements, Tax, and Interest).

The number of hours for which the Client was billed on the current Bill.

AR Transfers

Bill Distribution For Bills Xfer From
To access the AR Redistribution routine and edit the Timekeeper compensation distribution for the Bills that are being transferred to a different Client, Matter, and/or Bill Entity, the user must click this button.

Bill Distribution For Bills Xfer To
To access the AR Redistribution routine and edit the Timekeeper compensation distribution for Bills associated with the Client, Matter, and/or Bill Entity to which Bills are being transferred, the user must click this button.

Bill Tax
This button allows the user to access the Bill Tax Detail screen, as seen below. This information is for display purposes only and cannot be edited by the user.

The Bill Tax Detail Screen

The Bill Tax Detail Screen

The type of Tax that has been applied to the current Bill.

Tax Rate
The rate of the current Tax Type.

Tax Fees, Tax Disb
The dollar amount of Tax that has been applied to the Fees and Disbursements on the current Bill.

To complete the AR Transfer process the user must click the Save button or press F10 to post the transactions. When the transfer is successfully complete, the user will be presented with a message and the audit journal for the transactions just committed.

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